A: The delusion that began in Genesis 3 (the lie the devil used with Adam and Eve) continues today. That great lie is that God's Word cannot be trusted—and that man's word is more trustworthy than God's. Down through the ages, generations have been deluded by this lie.
In this era, the teaching of evolution and millions of years is a great delusion. It has led people, inside and outside the church, to believe the lie that God's Word cannot be trusted for its history.
Sadly, this mindset has led to a devastating loss of commitment to biblical authority, one that has greatly weakened the church and nation spiritually.
Read more about the lie and Ken Ham's updated book.
The Genius of Ancient Man All over the world there are similar findings of ancient religions, cities and towers, world travel, advanced astronomy, and civilized government. Over the course of two years, a team of researchers from Jackson Hole Bible College has worked to bring together the different pieces of
the convoluted mystery and history of ancient man.
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