Friday, May 13, 2016

John R. Rice Quotes of the Week

No man is fit to be President who has not been a law-abiding citizen. No man is ready to give orders until he has learned to obey orders. Consider the rigorous discipline of West Point Academy where U.S. army officers are trained. So doubtless no man is fit to be husband and father who has not learned obedience to law and order in the home. Divorces have increased along with desertion and other family troubles, just as fast as homes have broken down in the discipline of children. - John R. Rice

When the people are corrupt, then instead of seeking to get their just dues, the labor unions seek to get all the money they can, for less work all the time. When people do not have holy convictions about morality, then they continually vote to spend more money, get the government further in debt, owing millions that can never be paid. - John R. Rice

One who takes seriously the instruction in Deuteronomy 6:6-9 must be impressed that the Bible is not simply one item of many, is not a minor matter and not only a major one, but it is a controlling factor of the whole life of a home. - John R. Rice

First of all, the Word of God, the commands of God, "shall be in thine heart." The commands of God should be memorized, not only in the mind but in the heart, the seat of affections. A devoted love of the Bible so that one memorizes much of it, is here [Dt. 6:6-9] commanded. - John R. Rice 

And then this Word of God shall be taught diligently to the children. Parents shall talk of the Scriptures "when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up." That means every problem that comes up in the home will be dealt with in light of the Scriptures. That means even with the children that the commands, God's Word, the promises, the warnings must be applied day and night. - John R. Rice

Dr. G. Campbell Morgan tells us that when he married, he was very proud of his little home until his father came to see him. Proudly the young husband showed his father through the home, waiting for his comment. Did he like it?
The father simply said that no one could tell whether it was a home of a Christian or an infidel. Not a motto on the wall, not a Scripture verse, nothing clearly reminding one that this was a house of a man of God. Morgan saw the point and so placed mottoes and Scriptures on the wall of every room. - John R. Rice

Character is not made up of holy vows and aspirations. It is made up of habits following those vows. One is not just a good Christian because he loves the Bible and intends to study it. One becomes a good Christian when the Bible becomes so much a part of his daily schedule that he feels he must not miss it and would be miserable if he did. - John R. Rice

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