Monday, March 12, 2012

Get serious and obey God


Now hear this. For five years I had newspaper routes and knocked on 100 doors every week to collect 25 cents for the week's newspapers I delivered. I did this on four different routes. That meant, I went to 400 different homes 50 times personally. Get this, not one, no NOT ONE, ever witnessed to me, gave me a gospel tract, or invited me to go to church with them. Not one told me God loved me and Jesus suffered and died to pay the debt of my sins so I could be forgiven and go to heaven instead of hell. That dear friend is the real reason our nation, our world is in trouble and so many are going to hell.
When we get to heaven each and every person who has not been giving the gospel to their lost friends, the clerk in a store, the person at your door, the one who sweeps your floor will suffer loss of rewards and trophies to lay at the dear Savior's feet one day. I say all of this to encourage each and every one of us to get serious and OBEY GOD, and start sharing the gospel, the good news, the best news they will ever hear, to every person you have a few moments of time with them. Make sense?
When you do not have time to share the gospel you can so easily give them a good gospel filled tract to read later. In a large drug store, in the front of a line of 9 people checking out, I recently gave the cashier a tract. She said, "I will read it tonight". The next day I was back in the same store. This lady came running up to me and said, "I read your pamphlet and prayed the prayer and got saved last night." And saved she was. We had a great time rejoicing together. I found she did not own a Bible and I went out and bought her one. She had a duck fit over it. Now that is real joy unspeakable.
To God be the glory but I have hundreds of miracle stories just like that. To me that is what life is all about. That beats "walking on water" a thousand times over. God is at work today. I do hope you are getting in on what He is doing.
Three chapters a day reading schedule:
Mon 3/12 1 Corinthians 15-16; 2 Corinthians 1
Tue 3/13 2 Corinthians 2-4
Wed 3/14 2 Corinthians 5-7
Thu 3/15 2 Corinthians 8-10

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