Saturday, June 07, 2008


Q: Is there evidence for the creation model?

A: When God first created animals, he created them according to their kinds, with the ability to reproduce, and with instructions to increase in number and fill the earth (and seas; Genesis 1:20–22, 24–28). After the Flood, land animals and birds that had been preserved on the Ark again reproduced to fill the earth (Genesis 8:15–19).

Baraminologists (creation scientists who work to identify created kinds) have determined that many animals represented by a single breeding pair on the Ark have diversified so that today they are typically represented by a whole family. For example, the family Canidae is believed to be made up of animals from one baramin, a single created kind. This family includes dogs, wolves, coyotes, foxes, and jackals. It consists of 34 species from 14 genera that are widely distributed on every continent except Antarctica, confirming that they have indeed increased in number and multiplied on the earth (cf. Genesis 8:17). The Bible mentions dogs, foxes, wolves, and possibly jackals. Both dogs and wolves are first mentioned less than a millennium after the Flood, indicating that diversification occurred very rapidly.

Historically, evolutionists have told us that changes in living things occur at a slow, deliberate pace. Yet the creation model clearly requires that significant changes be able to occur quite rapidly, if necessary, as animals multiply and fill the earth. Today we see animals that have adapted to a variety of different environments and niches. Is there any scientific evidence that animals can adapt so quickly? Indeed there is! One example in lizards appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences earlier this year.

To find out what this example is, see Life: Designed by God to Adapt.

News to Note Quick Look

Dancing the two-step: Might the missing link have done a dance move on its way to bipedalism? Read more.

It’s a small world: The finding of the smallest known extrasolar planet yet is giving hope to those who already believe aliens are out there. Read more.

Also: dating a rat; water, water, everywhere; dealing a blow to Martian life; and looking out of the Milky Way. Read more.

This information was provided by Answers In Genesis, an excellent source of material relating to Creation and evolution. Please visit their website using the link in the upper left.

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