Saturday, December 23, 2006

Q: What does death have to do with history?

A: If a person believes the earth has a history of hundreds of millions of years, then they have to accept that a history of millions of years of death, disease, violence, and suffering led up to man’s existence. The reason for this is that those who believe in millions of years think that the fossil record (in which they see those supposed millions of years) was laid down over this huge amount of time—and the fossil record is a record of death, disease, violence, and suffering.
But the Bible makes it clear that death is an intrusion—an enemy. There was no death of animals or man before Adam sinned, as at the end of the sixth day of creation, God pronounced everything “very good.” What this means is that if a Christian accepts the history of millions of years of death before man, they’re telling the world that the Bible’s history is wrong!
In other words, the Bible’s history of death is incompatible with the history of death given by those who accept “millions of years.” The Bible is Truth—which means one can’t logically believe in millions of years.
What are the real consequences of trying to fit old ages into Genesis 1? Read the disturbing results in Two histories of death at the Answers In Genesis website via the link in the left side bar.

This information was provided by Answers In Genesis, an excellent source of material relating to Creation and evolution. Please visit their website using the link in the upper left.

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