Saturday, March 26, 2022

John R. Rice Quotes of the Week

I not talking against science. I am all for true science. I am for the facts, the truth, wherever found. I am just against infidel guesses in the name of science. I am against unbelief and wickedness in the name of science. I am against a so-called science which is based, not on fact, but on the opinion of wicked men. I am for the Bible doctrine of creation as against the theory of men about evolution without God and contrary to the Bible. - John R. Rice

So the heavens show orderly progress- a great God, a Creator who made things. You may ask, Is that proof of a Creator?" Certainly. A Ford car is proof of a Ford automobile factory. If there is a watch, that is proof of a watchmaker. If there is a man, that is proof of a Man-Maker. If there is a world, that is proof of a world Creator. It would be silly to suppose that everything happened without thought, without plan.
You think this earth came into being with a musical scale, with nobody planning it? And mathematical equations that are worked out in nature, and nobody planned it? And the solar system, and the galaxies held together by invisible bonds and set in paths through the sky, and nobody planned it? You are crazy! - John R. Rice

Then He said in the first chapter of John that Jesus is that Light that lighteth every man that cometh into this world. That doesn't mean that everybody has heard the Gospel, but by the Creator, Jesus, are all things made and without Him was not anything made that was made. So it turns out that some way, in the conscience and in the fear of death and in the sense of guilt and need, everywhere God has spoken to human hearts and so there is no excuse for people to go on without God. There are natural evidences, I say, that there is a Creator, a good God, a mighty God, and that He made man. - John R. Rice

Well, evolution or creation; which is it? Then that means that evolution is against the Bible and Christianity, and the two are not reconcilable. You say, "I know some people who believe in evolution and they are Christians." Well, they are not Christian in their doctrine. A man may be converted and be ignorant. A man may be converted and not learn Bible doctrine. A man may have trusted Jesus Christ and swallow things ignorantly. That is why a lot of false cults come in. But the plain truth is that doctrinally and basically the theory of evolution is against the Bible and against Christianity. They are contradictory. - John R. Rice

The ceremonial law differs from the moral law in that the ceremonial law is arbitrary, selected for some temporary and typical reason not in itself right or wrong, while the moral law is that which is essentially and necessarily right of itself. ...
However, the moral law is different and every heathen will be accountable to God for his sins. God has written it in the heart and conscience of men so that even heathen know it is wrong to murder, to lie, to steal, to commit adultery. Their conscience may be mistaught or seared or undeveloped, but God will judge those who never heard the law, by the law written in their hearts, as we are told in Romans 2:15. - John R. Rice

What does it mean to be born again, born of God? It means that the Holy Spirit of God actually comes into the body of one who trusts Christ and works a change, regenerates him, gives him a new heart, and makes him literally a new creature. He still has the old body, and the temptations that go with the old carnal nature, but he also has then a new nature, the nature of God. - John R. Rice

Can a saved person ever be lost? That depends on who does the saving. If God does the saving, then of course if God fails, the salvation is lost. If God is faithful and does what He promises, then one who trusts in Him will not become lost. But if a man does his own saving by his good works, then when man quits working he is lost. And if he does "hold out faithful," if he does "endure to the end,"... and if he does "go through with God," then of course his salvation is by human works and not by God's unmerited grace.
But that is an absurdity, for Ephesians 2:8, 9 says:
"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."
The clearest doctrine in the Bible is that no man deserves salvation and that only God's grace, his unmerited favor, His mercy on Hell-deserving sinners, can keep any of us from eternal destruction. - John R. Rice

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