Saturday, January 16, 2021

John R. Rice Quotes of the Week

 The furniture of the tabernacle was made of wood, to picture Christ's humanity, and covered with gold, to picture His deity. The pure white linen over the tabernacle pictured His sinless purity. The ram's skins dyed red pictured His atonement. The badgers' skins, dull and unattractive to the world, pictured Him as this outer world sees Him. And the blue curtains pictured Him as deity, a heavenly being. - John R. Rice [Golden Path of Successful Personal Soul Winning [pg. 195-196]

When I went to Canada in a revival effort, a pastor told me, "You won't have the kind of results here that you had in Chicago. We are Britishers. We are conservative. We do not move as quickly here as people do down in the States." I told him that yes, we had that kind of people down South where I grew up, too, only we called them backsliders. Then, thank God, I remember with what joy the distinguished pastor called me back to his study one night after we had some fifteen adults come to Christ. He had his arms around a gray-headed man, and could hardly talk for weeping, and he said, "I have been praying for this man for twenty years and now, Brother Rice, here he comes!"
The plain, simple truth is that the soul winner's harvest is white. There are always souls who can be won. - John R. Rice [Golden Path of Successful Personal Soul Winning [pg. 214]

Oh, we cannot win everybody, but we can win somebody! The birds of the air get some seed, and some seed falls on stony ground, but some seed falls on good ground and brings forth fruit, if we keep sowing and if we keep on going after sinners with the Gospel! - John R. Rice [Golden Path of Successful Personal Soul Winning [pg. 217]

It is the unanimous teaching of the Scriptures that always there are people who can be won to Christ, that the harvest is always white. Brother, there is great fishing! The fish are biting! - John R. Rice [Golden Path of Successful Personal Soul Winning [pg. 217]

Various groups seek what they call the fullness of the Spirit in order to have the old carnal nature destroyed, or in order to help in their problems, and daily joy. But these have all missed the point. They do not see what God has promised and what is involved in the fullness of the Spirit. The fullness of the Spirit is simply an enduement of power from on high for witnessing and winning souls. Anyone who claims to be filled with the Spirit and does not win souls is not using the term with its Bible meaning, and he does not have what Christians in Bible times had when they were filled with the Spirit. The fullness of the Spirit is given for witnessing for Christ. - John R. Rice [Golden Path of Successful Personal Soul Winning [pg. 284-285]

I am poor in this world's goods. I preach so plainly against sin, modernism, and unbelief that some people hate me and many think it would be a blessing to the country if I were dead. I am slandered and abused, , yet my heart is lifted up beyond measure by the love and confidence and gratitude of thousands who have come to Christ under my ministry. The soul winner's joy is above the other joys that men may have. - John R. Rice [Golden Path of Successful Personal Soul Winning [pg. 295]

Does God really predestinate some people to be saved and predestinate others to go to Hell, so that they have no real choice? Absolutely not! Nobody is predestinated to go be saved, except as he chooses, of his own free will, to repent of sin and trust Christ for salvation.
No one is predestined ahead of time to go to Hell. Christ died for the sins of the whole world. God is not willing that any should perish. Salvation is freely offered to "whosoever will." - John R. Rice [Predestined for Hell? No!, pg. 5]

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