Friday, April 10, 2020

John R. Rice Quotes of the Week

A finished salvation is free, not earned.
A finished salvation is instantaneous the moment you trust Christ and receive it. - John R. Rice [Revival Appeals, pg. 159]

A finished salvation is an everlasting salvation. It is like a piece of furniture for which cash has been paid and there is nothing due upon it. No furniture van will ever back up to the door to re-possess that furniture because some installment had not been met! There are no more installments to be met on a salvation which is finished! When Jesus died the entire transaction was settled, the salvation was finished. Now all a sinner has to do is with a penitent heart receive it by faith. - John R. Rice [Revival Appeals, pg. 159-160]

The rich man in Hell looked with the deepest concern upon the affairs of the earth and said, "I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldst send him to my father's house: For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment." He knew that his brethren had not repented. Abraham in Heaven knew more about it than the rich man did and said, "If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead." How strange that both Heaven and Hell look on with such intense concern for the conversion of the wicked here on earth while we who have an opportunity to warn them do so little about it!
― John R. Rice, Bible Facts About Heaven

Here is God's simple way to be saved. You are a sinner, your heart is wrong, you cannot save yourself, you are already condemned. The thing you are to do then, to be saved, is to simply trust the Lord Jesus with that matter. When you trust Him, then you have God's promise: "Thou shalt be saved." - John R. Rice [Revival Appeals, pg. 191]

I do not mean that you are simply to believe that there is a God or that there is a Saviour. Devils believe that and tremble (James 2:19). You can believe that a certain physician is a good doctor without calling him to be your doctor when you are sick. You can believe that a man is a good lawyer without taking him as your lawyer to defend your case. You are not just to believe the truth about Jesus, you are to believe on Him, that is, depend upon Him, risk Him, trust Him; and when you do, you are saved. - John R. Rice [Revival Appeals, pg. 191]

I believe that Jesus was not crucified on Friday, but on Wednesday. Preachers have usually accepted the Roman Catholic teaching that He was crucified on Friday and have never investigated what the Bible teaches on that subject. All Bible evidence proves that Jesus was crucified on Wednesday, buried that night, and arose from the dead some time Saturday night, before sunrise Sunday morning. Remember that the Jewish day began at sundown and the night was counted a part of the following day.
Matthew 12:40 plainly says that Jesus would be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth, or the grave, like Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale's belly. If Jesus were crucified Friday and raised Saturday night, or before sunrise Sunday morning, He would have been in the grave one day and part of two nights. Certainly that would not fulfill His plain promise.
Many people have supposed that John 19:31 was evidence that Jesus was crucified on Friday since the Jews wished to take His body down before the Sabbath. Notice, however, that "that Sabbath day was an high day." It was not an ordinary weekly Sabbath, but an annual Sabbath, the one mentioned in Exodus 12:16. It was a day of rest, the first of seven days of eating of unleavened bread, the day on which the Passover lamb was eaten.
So Jesus was crucified on Wednesday, was taken down from the cross before sunset Wednesday (John 19:31)... Jesus stayed in the grave fully seventy-two hours, three days and three nights, and arose then some time Saturday night, that is, part of Sunday, the first day of the week which began at sundown. - John R. Rice [Dr, Rice, Here is My Question, question 55]

We had as well admit, then, that no man deserves saving and no man can save himself. - John R. Rice [Revival Appeals, pg. 192]

Salvation must be free or the sinner could never get it, in fact, it takes blood to pay for sin, for the Scripture says: "Without shedding of blood is no remission" - Hebrews 9:22. - John R. Rice [Revival Appeals, pg. 192]

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