Friday, February 07, 2020

John R. Rice Quotes of the Week

Every Christian in the world has exactly the same command to win souls that the apostles had. They had apostolic authority in doctrine and over churches before the Scriptures were completed, which we do not have. But they did not have any more command to win souls than we have. - John R. Rice [The Golden Path of Successful Personal Soul Winning, pg.29]

Soul winning is the thing dearest to the heart of Christ. It was to keep sinners out of Hell that Christ Jesus died. It was to save sinners that the Lord Jesus came into this world. - John R. Rice [The Golden Path of Successful Personal Soul Winning, pg.46]

Oh, the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ in human form to this world has been the most civilizing and exalting impact that human history ever had. One can never finish tracing the influence of Christ upon the laws of the nations, the moral standards, the art, the literature. Christianity has raised the value of human personality till slavery is unthinkable in a civilized country. Womanhood has been exalted. The poor, the sick, the homeless, and little children have benevolent care because of the impact of Christ on men. But all these are incidental and are by-products. They are not what Jesus came for. He came to save sinners! He came to keep people from going to eternal ruin in Hell! - John R. Rice [The Golden Path of Successful Personal Soul Winning, pg.47]

If you want to understand the Saviour and know His joy and feel His heartbeat, you must enter into His compassion and into the great business to which He set Himself--the keeping of souls out of Hell at an infinite price. The sufferings of Jesus on earth and His compassionate concern now in Heaven ought to be enough to set every Christian in the world to soul winning. - John R. Rice [The Golden Path of Successful Personal Soul Winning, pg.49]

Do you believe in giving money to help the poor? Well, remember that the best help that you can give to a poor home is to give it a husband and father who is born again, who is a changed man in heart and soul, who is now a faithful provider, a true husband, a good citizen, an honest workman. - John R. Rice [The Golden Path of Successful Personal Soul Winning, pg.56]

There is a familiar saying that all of us have heard, "Sinners just don't come to church anymore." Well, backslidden Christians have been saying the same thing down through all the centuries! The simple truth is, the Bible did not command sinners to come to church. It commands the church to go to sinners. God's plan is not that sinners should seek out someone to tell them how to be saved. God's plan is that Christians should seek out sinners and win them. - John R. Rice [The Golden Path of Successful Personal Soul Winning, pg.93-94]

In the little cow-town in West Texas where I went to school we marched out of the room in somewhat subdued, orderly fashion. But the understanding was that one was free to talk as soon as we got outside the building. So the first of the larger boys to reach the door would shout, "First batter!" and the next would cry, "Second batter!" We played "work-up" baseball.
Well, Paul cries, "I am the chief sinner!" If Jesus died for sinners, Paul boldly gets in his claim as early and as strong as he can! And I feel like shouting, "I am second sinner!" The blood of Jesus is for sinners and nobody else. Thank God, I have gotten in. I have confessed my sin and have looked to the blood of Jesus who has paid my debt. I am "only a sinner, saved by grace." - John R. Rice [Soul-Saving Sermons for Sinners, pg. 136]

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