Wednesday, October 09, 2019


2 Tm. 2:1-4

Adapted by Pastor Rick Jackson*

This message revolves around the truth that Christians are in the Lord's army. Every born again, blood washed, believer is a soldier of the cross whether he likes it or not. He must realize this truth and live accordingly [v. 1].

Paul had an opportunity to study soldiers up close. He spent a lot a time with soldiers. So, he writes to us about being a good or successful soldier. There are soldiers and there are good soldiers. What makes the difference?


II. ENDURANCE [v. 3a, Jeremiah 12:5]

If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? and if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan?

To endure is to withstand a time of testing or period of difficulty without giving up or giving in. A successful soldier realizes a sacrifice can involve your life.

In WWII, in the Pacific, during the last part of the Guadalcanal Campaign, the Japanese Navy made a last attempt effort to reinforce their troops on the island. General Vandergriff and the Marines had the Japanese on the ropes. he Japanese were going to bring in a fleet through the strait with their reinforcements.
Admiral Halsey called in 2 admirals over 3 banged up cruisers and a destroyer flotilla and told them Vandergriff was counting on them keeping those reinforcements off the island. They replied, "We'll do our best. We may not stop them- but there won't be many left."
When the smoke cleared 2 cruisers were lost and 7 destroyers were sunk. The Japanese had been forced to withdraw. the 2 admirals had gone down with their ships- they died doing their task without seeing the result.We may not see the results either, but we must do the task!


A good soldier recognizes his occupation is worthwhile. Attitude is key here not understanding. Many a Bible character shone because of his attitude even when his understanding was limited (Daniel, Job, Joseph). A good soldier may not understand but he says, "Hey, I'm doing my job!"

Like the Roman army facing the Carthaginian General Hannibal in 200 BC. Hannibal had elephants. Elephants are, as you know, rather large creatures. The Romans had never seen one up close 'til one day they were in formation and saw these creatures charging them at full speed. They had 2 choices- RUN or STAND STILL and be trampled. The stood still and were trampled.
From that experience the Romans learned 2 things. 1st-elephants will crush you - and - 2nd they're relatively slow. The Roman General said, "Aha, - now we have a game plan."
The Romans stood 'til the last second, jumped aside and slashed the elephants’ legs and then killed the Carthaginian soldiers on them.
The sacrifice of the first Roman soldiers wasn't worthless. You may feel unappreciated... the world's against you... sugars been licked off your lollipop- and you feel like quittin'. That's the time to be a good soldier.
What will you do when the elephants come? You may be trampled- but your being trampled may help someone else!



In 1864 U.S. Grant was given the job of destroying Lee's army. The North said Lee wasn't a bad guy but he's got to go. South took issue with this. The Battle of the Wilderness- entangled area - thickets. Trees were shot down (good ol' days) 75-100 yards apart using 58 caliber rifles. Casualties high. 7000 men in 45 minutes, 67,000 in 3 months.
Battle of the Bloody Angle. Lee ordered Hood's Brigade. Lee started to take point, but the men refused to let him. They said they would do it and they did!

Some men paid $300 to let someone else do the fighting for them. These men became known as goldbricks. Are you a gold brick?

*adapted from a message given by Dr. Lexie Wiggins (a Christian History Professor)

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