Wednesday, December 14, 2016


LUKE 9:18-28

Pastor Rick Jackson

I. THE MOUNT [v. 18-36]

1. The Emphasis on the Person of Jesus Christ [v. 18-29]

2. The Emphasis on the Work of Jesus Christ [v. 30-31, 22]

3. The Emphasis on the Preeminence of Jesus Christ [v. 32-36, 23-26]

II. THE MEN [Lk. 9:37-40, Mk. 9:14-18]

1. Mountaintop Ending [v. 37] Elijah on Mt. Carmel, Moses on Sinai, the Mt. of Transfiguration]

2. Multitudes Expressing [Mk. 9:14-16]

3. Men Encountering [Mk. 9:17-18]

III. THE MASTER [Mk. 9:19-]

1. Correcting [v. 19-23] “You have the ‘if’ in the wrong place”

2. Caring [v. 24-27]

3. Challenging [v. 28-29]

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