Sunday, December 11, 2016

For unto US a CHILD is born, unto us a SON is given

ISAIAH 9:6-7

Pastor Rick Jackson

The best commentary on the Bible is the Bible. Since Is. 9:6 is referring, to some degree, to Christ’s birth- why not go to where His birth is discussed the most? Where is that? The New Testament. Specifically, the Gospels.

I. A CHILD IS BORN [Is. 9:6] primarily speaks of His humanity

"For unto us a child is born." Born. He knows all that you and I ever need to know- child, youth, poverty, labor, temptation and persecution, too. "Unto us a child is born." And so then Jesus grew up and He was tempted in all points like as we are, yet without sin. He is the Son of Man, the Model Man, the Second Adam. "For unto us a child is born." - John R. Rice

1. A Virgin Born Child [Mt. 1:18, 22-23]

2. A Hated Child [Mt. 2:8, 13-18]

3. A Worshipped Child [Mt. 2:9-11]

II. A SON IS GIVEN [Is. 9:6] primarily speaks of His deity

1. The Saviour [Mt. 1:1, 21]

2. The Son of God [Mk. 1:1, John 1:18, 34, 49]

3. God the Son [John 1:1-5, 9-14; 3:16-18; 5:23; 20:30-31]

III. UNTO US [Is. 9:6]

Note, "Unto us a child is born." "Unto us" means that Jesus is to be born to mankind. The Lord Jesus is to be as we are- with limitations- not morally, for He never sinned, but in the surroundings, in the environment, in the temptations, in the poverty, in the heartbreak that sometimes comes to people. - John R. Rice

1. With Us [Mt. 1:23]

2. Among Us [Jn. 1:14]

3. Believed by Us [Luke 1:1-2, 69, 71, 78]

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