Friday, February 05, 2016

John R. Rice Quotes of the Week

Salvation is by trusting Christ, but assurance comes by the Word of God. Great sorrow and trouble come from adding works to help pay what Christ has paid fully. - John R. Rice

God's honest preachers, fundamentalists, standing boldly for Christ and the Bible, are sometimes said to be "unbrotherly" to liberals. No unbeliving liberal is a Christian brother. Modernists are said to be so amiable, so uncritical, so pleasant, but they have no Gospel to lose, no Saviour to forsake. I have. Any sound, godly Christian has reason for holy indignation and open denunciation of those who would take the deity from the head of Christ and the atoning blood from God's plan of salvation. - John R. Rice 

Jesus did not say, "Watch for the Antichrist" or "Watch, for the tribulation events." Jesus must come before them. We are to watch for Christ's coming. - John R. Rice

You cannot claim to be a good Christian without daily reading the Bible. You can read the Bible through [in a little less than a year] by reading four chapters a day. - John R. Rice

When Daniel "purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank," he was setting a course of action that would make him bold to continue to pray to the God of Israel when it meant the lions' den. Early fundamental decisions are the stuff of which character is made. - John R. Rice

Remember, God is a just God, and He does not forget His own who serve Him. - John R. Rice

God's plane always comes in on schedule. Not our schedule, but God's! - John R. Rice

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