Thursday, June 26, 2014


                                   [Women of the Bible Series]


I Samuel 14:49


Pastor Rick Jackson


I. THE SURFACE MAY LOOK GREAT [the fairy tale life]


1. She was Israel’s First King’s Daughter [1 Sam. 14:49, 18:17-18, 22-23]


2. She was Infatuated with David [18:20, 6-8, 16]


3. She was Married to the Hero of Israel [18:24-29]


II. THE SHALLOWNESS IS SHOWING [trouble in paradise]


1. She was Politically Savvy [19:11-12]


2. She was Theologically Suspicious [19:13]


3. She was Truthfully Shady [19:14-17]


III. THE SORROWFUL SHOWING [the depths revealed]


1. Constantly treated like a Prize [1 Sm. 25:44, 2 Sm. 3:13-16] like sports & entertainment stars


2. Choose “Style” over “Substance” [2 Sm. 6:14-21, 1 Chr. 15:25-29] “Looks” over the “Lord”


3. Culminating in a Life in Ruins [2 Sm. 6:21-23, 21:1-9]

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