A: This week the U.S. Supreme Court announced their decisions on two cases relating to the definition of marriage. Ultimately they overturned a federal law (and a similar state law) which defined marriage as "only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife."
But this definition did not originate with Congress. Even our Declaration of Independence does not offer this definition, but it rightly appeals to the fact that our natural rights as free people come from our Creator. It is our Creator, then, who can and does define the parameters of this most sacred and fundamental of societal institutions:
Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. (Genesis 2:24)
Continue reading to learn more about the Court's decisions and why our primary goal should be to lead individuals to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Right Thinking in a World Gone Wrong Equipping you with a scriptural perspective, author John MacArthur tackles tough questions on in vitro fertilization, radical terrorism, homosexual marriage, environmentalism, the economy, and more.
Today's question was also a
News to Know item. In case you missed it, this week we also featured the following
News to Know items:
"Partners in Slime": We have known that mucus produced by our bodies provides a protective barrier against the dirty world of dust and bacteria. A recent discovery identified bacteria-attacking viruses that inhabit mucus in great numbers and also contribute wonderfully to the body's immune system. These beneficial viruses are a reminder that the world God created was a very good world in which even viruses would have had a useful role.
Malaria in the News: Two separate but related strains of research endeavor to target malarial mosquitos. In the first case, new findings may lead to the development of effective mosquito traps that target these mosquitos. In the second case, microbiological manipulation of infected mosquito populations may be effective even for the deadliest strains.
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