A: Human embryos created through cloning are just as human as those produced by the union of sperm and egg through natural reproduction or in vitro fertilization (IVF). God created human beings in His own image (
Genesis 1:27). Every person starts life as a human embryo. And human beings, even IVF surplus and clones created to die, are human lives precious in the sight of God (
Psalm 139:13–15;
Psalm 51:5;
Jeremiah 1:5). Creating them to to be killed is wrong.
Continue reading to learn more about the latest developments in cloning and the ethical ramifications. Today's question was also a
News to Know item. In case you missed it, this week we also featured the following
News to Know item:
"Shenanigans" or "Scientifically Sound Answers with Eternal Significance"?: Recently a firestorm erupted over a Christian school's fourth grade science quiz, which tested students' knowledge about the age of the earth and the presence of dinosaurs. One critic characterized the school's Bible-based teachings as "shenanigans" and another as "rubbish." But these epithets might well be applied to evolutionary claims and to the strategy of preventing children from learning how to critically evaluate them. There are no "shenanigans" afoot among those who teach children in a Christian school that the Bible is true and trustworthy.
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