In this issue . . .
Q: Why did God save dinosaurs on the Ark just to die out later?
A: Regarding the reason God told Noah to bring the animals on the Ark, the Bible only tells us that it was "to keep them alive with [Noah]" (Genesis 6:19). Notice that He didn't say anything about preserving them after the Flood. Once the animals disembarked, we are not given too many details about what happened to them. We know they scattered throughout the earth. Some of them have survived and thrived, while others have gone extinct for various reasons.
So why didn't God step in to prevent certain animals from going extinct? Well, His ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts higher than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:9). So if He doesn't tell us His reasons for doing something, we can only speculate based on what we know of His character.
We know that God does not always protect us from the consequences of our decisions. He did not prevent Adam and Eve from eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3:6), and He did not stop David from committing adultery with Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11), although many people think He should have. If God followed this type of "logic," then we would live in a bizarre world.
Continue reading our response to a skeptic's question on this topic of dinosaur extinction and the God of the Bible.
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The Bible Explains Dinosaurs
Get biblical answers to your questions about dinosaurs. When they lived, why the died out, are they mentioned in Scripture, and how do they relate to the gospel—Ken Ham addresses all these topics and more in this DVD.
This resource is part of our
Creation Mini-series, and is also available as an
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audio CD.
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