Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I should have had these last week on St. Patrick's day but here they are anyway. FYI- Patrick was not Irish, he had been captured and enslaved by the Irish as a teen and went back to Ireland as a missionary as a young man. He was not catholic. He was a Bible believing, Bible-preaching missionary.

Christ beside me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ within me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me. - Patrick

Before I was humiliated I was like a stone that lies in deep mud, and He who is mighty came and in His compassion raised me up and exalted me very high and placed me on the top of the wall. - Patrick

God is always advancing. - Hudson Taylor

The only hope for our country is revival. A revival is a new obedience to God. - Clarence Sexton

Revival is the church falling in love with Jesus all over again. - Vance Havner

The nearer I approach to the end of my pilgrimage, the clearer is the evidence of the divine origin of the Bible, the grandeur and sublimity of God's remedy for fallen man are more appreciated, and the future is illuminated with hope and joy. - Samuel F.B. Morse (inventor of the telegraph)

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