Friday, February 16, 2024

John R. Rice Quotes of the Week

"Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain." What a sin! Oh, to pretend any reverence to God, then take the name of Jesus or Christ or Almighty or God or Lord as a byword, or to take it with cursing or to take it repeating blasphemy! How sinful it is! And how reverently we who are Christians ought to think and how reverently we ought to speak the name of Jesus and Christ and God. Oh, it is all right to talk about God and love Him, but beware, for God "will not hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain." - John R. Rice [Favorite Chapters of the Bible, pg. 54]

When I started out as a young Christian, how vigorously I tried to keep Sunday. I didn't know then Sunday is the Lord's Day, and the Sabbath is Saturday. Well, somebody says they changed it in Bible times. The Bible never says anything about changing it. Men have said so. You may think the command applies to Sunday. But the Bible doesn't say so. The truth is, the Sabbath was given to the Jews in the modest land of Palestine. It isn't suitable for the arctic circle. "Which was contrary to us in Colosse," says the Scripture. It wouldn't be suitable in many places and times. It was suitable for the Jews in their time. Now then, it has been fulfilled. - John R. Rice [Favorite Chapters of the Bible, pg. 59]

Our Arminian friends who think that one who has been saved may lose salvation do not really understand what salvation means. "Oh," they may say, "but if your faith fails or if you turn back from serving God, you do not deserve salvation." No indeed, one would not deserve salvation then. But none deserved salvation in the beginning either! You see, if unworthiness could keep one from salvation, it would already keep everybody in the universe from salvation for all are unworthy. If God can not keep people who do not deserve it, then He could not save people who do not deserve it. You must remember that salvation by grace is wholly of God, of grace, and not of works. The God who does the saving does the keeping. The keeping is part of the salvation. - John R. Rice [Great Truths for Soul Winners, pg. 83]

God furnishes the Saviour and all you have to do is furnish the sinner. - John R. Rice [Was Pope John I a Born-Again Christian?, pg. 170]

All of us want to think that we are better than others, different from others. But God's Word thunders back that we are no better than others, no different from others, For there is no difference: for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." - John R. Rice [All Have Sinned, pg. 3]

Do you believe in giving money to help the poor? Well, remember that the best help that you can give to a poor home is to give it a husband and father who is born again, who is a changed man in heart and soul, who is now a faithful provider, a true husband, a good citizen, an honest workman. - John R. Rice [The Golden Path of Successful Personal Soul Winning, pg.56]

 Years ago a preacher who thought that baptism was essential to salvation, but who seem to know little about the new birth, scoffed at the idea of eternal salvation, saying, "If I believed that one who has been saved could never lose his salvation, you know what I would do> I would first believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and get saved, and then I would just go out and have my fill of sin!"

And I said to him very seriously, "If you have not already had your fill of sin, I doubt if you know what I am talking about at all." The new heart has an inward rebuke for sin and God adds His own chastening hand. - John R. Rice [Great Truths for Soul Winners, pg. 90]

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