Monday, January 29, 2018

Quotes from "Meet Your King", a book based on Matthew's Gospel, by Warren W. Wiersbe

Both Mary and Joseph belonged to the house of David. The Old Testament prophecies indicated that the Messiah would be born of a woman (Gen. 3:15), of the seed of Abraham (22:18), through the tribe of Judah (49:10) and of the family of David (2 Sam. 7:12-13). Matthew's genealogy traced the line through Solomon, while Luke's traced it through Nathan, another one of David's sons. It is worth noting that Jesus Christ is the only Jew alive who can actually prove His claims to the throne of David! All of the other records were destroyed when the Romans took Jerusalem in A.D. 70. [pgs. 17-18]

When we put our physical needs ahead of our spiritual needs, we sin. When we allow circumstances to dictate our actions, instead of following God's will, we sin. Jesus could have turned the stones into bread, but He would have been exercising His powers independently of the Father; and He came to obey the Father (John 5:30, 6:38). [pg. 27]

Jesus did not destroy the Law by fighting it; He destroyed it by fulfilling it! Perhaps an illustration will make this clear. If I have an acorn, I can destroy it in one of two ways. I can put it on a rock and smash it to bits with a hammer. Or, I can plant it in the ground and let it fulfill itself by becoming an oak tree. [pg. 36]

The common people held John [the Baptist] in high regard (Matt. 21:26), and many of them had repented and been baptized by John. But the leaders refused to honor John, and this proved their unbelief and hardness of heart. Instead of being childlike and humbling themselves, the leaders were childish and stubborn, like children pouting because they could not have their way. The parable in Matthew 11:16-19 revealed the spiritual condition of the leaders, and unfortunately it also reveals the hearts of unbelievers today. [pg. 74]

Miracles do not convince people of sin or give a desire of salvation (Luke 16:27-31; John 12:10-11; Acts 14:8-20). Miracles will give confirmation where there is faith, but not where there is willful unbelief. [pg. 108]

We can be sure that, apart from Christ, even the material possessions of life give no lasting joy or pleasure. It is good to have the things money can buy provided we do not lose the things that money cannot buy. Unless this rich ruler eventually turned to Christ, he died without salvation, one of the "richest" men in the cemetery. [pg. 143]

Jesus did not say that we would be angels when we are glorified in Heaven. He said we would be "as the angels" in that we would be sexless and not married or given in marriage. The foolish stories we hear and the cartoons we see about people dying and becoming angels are certainly unbiblical. [pgs. 159-160]

The talents represent opportunities to use our abilities. If five talents were given to a person with minimal ability, he would be destroyed by the heavy responsibility. But if only one talent was given to a man of great ability, he would be disgraced and degraded. God assigns work and opportunity according to ability. We are living in the period of time between verses 18 and 19 [Matthew 25]. We have been assigned our ministries according to the abilities and gifts God has given us. It is our privilege to serve the Lord and multiply His goods. [pg. 183]

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