Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I'm not ashamed of my wheelchair nor the paralysis that put me in it. I don't serve them, they serve me through the will of the Sovereign. And one day, their service will no longer be necessary. No victim here. That's resurrection truth. - Scott Mitchell

No trial would cause us to despair if we knew God's reason for allowing it to happen. - J. R. Faulkner

A church is not an orderly arrangement of bricks; it's a collection of blood-bought sinners who have submitted themselves to God's Spirit so that He can fully transform them. - Kyle Sutton [IBJM representative]

Wood, hay, and straw can be picked up on the surface, but if you want gold, silver, and jewels, you have to dig for them. We don't build the local church on clever human ideas or by imitating the world; we build by teaching and obeying the precious truths of the Word of God. - Warren Wiersbe

I believe "global warming" is impossible because Jesus Christ created the heavens, the earth and all that is in them, Colossians 1:16, and He holds it all together, Colossians 1:17.
God is in charge and nothing can happen to this "earth" unless He allows it to. No act of man can overrule God's plan. However, as our text [Revelation 8:1-13] tells us, there will be "ecological judgments" upon the earth during the time of the seven year Tribulation Period in the future. - Jimmy DeYoung

My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government. - Thomas Jefferson


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