And upon that day shall the prince prepare for himself and for all the people of the land a bullock for a sin-offering.
For further study - Ezekiel 45:1-25
The passage that we will look at today for our devotional reading is a very troubling portion of scripture for many people. It is discussing the events that take place at the Temple in Jerusalem, the one that Jesus will build when He returns to the earth at the Second Coming, Zechariah 6:12.
As you read through the whole chapter in this portion of Ezekiel's prophetic book we see that seven chapters, Ezekiel 40-46, are dedicated to dealing with the Temple that Jesus will "rule and reign" from, Zechariah 6:13, in the Kingdom to come.
In these chapters, we find that the Prophet, in 202 verses, lays out all that is needed, every detail, to construct the Messiah's Temple and he describes all the activities that will take place at this Temple, which includes "animal sacrifices".
You read correctly, "animal sacrifices" will be performed at the Temple in Jerusalem during the 1,000 year Kingdom Period. Let me set that aside for a moment to look at several other details.
This passage, along with Ezekiel 42:20, defines the size and area of the city of Jerusalem, verses 1-6. It also describes the Temple Mount as well, Ezekiel 42:20. These are details that must be followed, in all instances in order for Bible Prophecy to be fulfilled.
These first six verses in Ezekiel 45 set the borders of the city of Jerusalem, and the size of the Holy City, in the Kingdom. Studying the details reveals that Jerusalem will be 2,500 square miles, 50 miles on each side. That is almost the width of the State of Israel.
The Temple Mount, Ezekiel 42:20, will be right at one square mile. This is almost three times its size today. Actually, the "Old City" is today almost one square mile. The Temple Mount, in the Kingdom will be where the Lord has chosen to "dwell among His people, forever", Psalm 132:13-14.
Now, back to the restoring of the "sacrificial system" in the Kingdom Period. In this devotional I am not going into full detail on this troubling passage and issue. Let me say that the "sacrifice of animals" in Old Testament times and in the Kingdom Period to come did not, and will not effect the "eternal salvation" of anyone.
Sacrifices were offered up in Old Testament times to restore fellowship of those who "sinned". In the Kingdom there will be Jews in human bodies, that will not only enter the Kingdom, but also will have "children", Isaiah 65:20.
As is the case during all dispensations, every one is "saved by grace, through faith", Ephesians 2:8-9. All Old Testament "saints" accepted what God told them to do, by faith, and thus "salvation", by faith. This salvation is a "gift" from the Lord, not because of offering sacrifices.
Sacrifices will not only restore fellowship, but the whole operation of the Temple will be to instruct the Jews in the Kingdom Period of how to worship the Lord. Look on my website for an article that will go more in-depth on this subject.
Before the Messiah's Temple is erected in Jerusalem during the Kingdom Period, there will be a Temple in Jerusalem during the Tribulation Period, Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15 and Revelation 11:1-2. All preparations have been made for this next Temple to be up and operating in the very near future.
This Tribulation Temple will be where the Antichrist will receive "worship" from all on the earth that do not trust in the Messiah for eternal salvation. All preparations have been made for the Tribulation Temple to be put in place, but first the Rapture must take place, and that could happen today. Even so come, Lord Jesus.
PRAYER THOT: Thank you Lord for the promise of your return to earth, the preparations already made for that to happen and the prospect that it might begin, with the Rapture taking place, soon.