Tuesday, February 08, 2011


Man was lost by hearing Satan. He can only be saved by hearing God. - J. Wilbur Chapman

No, you don't have to put up with a preacher that believes the Bible and preaches the Truth. You can go down somewhere, churches are a dime a dozen, and they'll pat you on the back and tickle your ear and make you feel good but I'm telling you- you'll lead your kids into Hell, you'll wreck your home, and ruin your family. Why do you think a preacher preaches the Truth for? 'Cause he doesn't like you? It'd be a lot easier to preach a compromising message. ...But neighbor the reason we preach it is because we do care for you, and we do love you, and we don't want to see you shipwrecked! - Evangelist Tim Lee

Listen to me friend, you're in danger, you're in trouble when you begin to criticize the man of God. ...You say but Brother Lee what if he makes a mistake? That ain't none of your business. That's God's business. You leave him alone. - Lee


Quotes from Evangelist Wil Rice

Both Joshua's despair and Achan's smugness were unfounded.

You may think you have all the facts but you don't.

If you feel smug- you don't have all the facts.

Don't be smug but don't be discouraged- because God sees!

God is not fickle.

When you feel like God doesn't know what is going on- it is precisely because you don't. Nothing hidden from you is hidden to God.

Trusting God with all your heart doesn't mean serving Him with half of it.

If they had known what God knew they would not have done what they did.

Arrogance is fully unfounded and pretty dumb. God can use a crow.

A one word definition of motivation is dissatisfaction.

If you are struggling at 6 o'clock with what to do the Lord is not the greatest in your life. He is not even the greatest of your 6 o'clock.

Our problem is not- we're not profound enough. Our problem is we're not simple

I often ask God to give me a confidence based on humility.

Peter was never at a lack for words though he sometimes had a lack of thought.

If He has His place it won't matter about mine.

Would you rather announce God's grace or your success?

As long as you own any strength- that is the strength you will settle for. Friend, you will live in your weakness as long as you own your strength.

God's power will never be complete until you give Him some weakness to work with.

Are you resting in your strength or is Christ's strength resting on you?

Spurgeon said, "Our weakness is our best argument in prayer."

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