Saturday, October 23, 2010

Question of the Week: Is evolution religious in nature?

Information in today's blog provided by:

originally received on June 10, 2006 


 Weekly News        

Q: Is evolution religious in nature?
A: Philosopher of science Dr. Michael Ruse has said, "evolution, akin to religion, involves making certain a priori or metaphysical assumptions, which at some level cannot be proven empirically." In fact, evolution underpins the religion of humanism. The people who composed the Humanist Manifesto, which claims that humanism is "a philosophical, religious, and moral point of view," built their entire way of thinking on the basis of evolution.
Julian Huxley and his humanist friends were very clear in claiming that the evolutionary story was the foundation for their new humanist theology. They knew that the long evolutionary past of millions of years, if accepted by society, would remove the Judeo-Christian God from the culture. In place of God would be the "time and chance" of evolution!
Sadly, though, when taken to a logical conclusion, if there is no God, people are free of divinely sanctioned laws and codes. In other words, they can do what is right in their own eyes … and justify the selfish desires of their hearts, just as the Bible describes in Proverbs 30 and Romans 1.
These humanists understood that evolution was really an anti-God religion, and they said so in their Manifesto.
Evolutionary scientists don't want to admit that they are also very religious people, who put a blind faith in time and chance, instead of a real faith in a loving and infinite God.

Would you like to read more on this particular topic? See Get Answers: Religion for a more in-depth answer.

Evolutionist quote of the week

"A religion is essentially an attitude to the world as a whole. Thus evolution, for example, may prove as powerful a principle to coordinate men's beliefs and hopes as God was in the past. Such ideas underlie the various forms of Rationalism, the Ethical movement and scientific Humanism.

"Humanism: An outlook that places man and his concerns at the centre of interest. Modern Humanism, which does away with traditional Christianity, is characterised by its faith in the power of human beings to create their own future, collectively and personally."

Ed. Sir Julian Huxley, Growth of Ideas. The evolution of thought and knowledge. 1965, pp. 99, 336.



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