Saturday, April 25, 2009

QUESTION OF THE WEEK! - What is the goal of apologetics?‏

Q: What is the goal of apologetics?

A: According to Van Til, apologetics aims to defend the Christian faith by answering the variety of challenges leveled against it by unbelievers, thereby vindicating the Christian philosophy of life (worldview) over against all non-Christian philosophies of life (worldviews).

There is a large number of ways in which Christian truth-claims come under attack. They are challenged as to their meaningfulness. The possibility of miracles, revelation, and incarnation are questioned. Doubt is cast upon the deity of Christ or the existence of God. The historical or scientific accuracy of the Bible is attacked. Scriptural teaching is rejected for not being logically coherent. Conscious life following physical death, everlasting damnation, and a future resurrection are not readily accepted. The way of salvation is found disgusting or unnecessary. The nature of God and the way of salvation are falsified by heretical schools of thought. Competing religious systems are set over against Christianity. The ethics of Scripture is criticized. The psychological or political adequacy of Christianity is looked down upon.
These and many, many other lines of attack are directed against biblical Christianity. It is the job of apologetics to refute them and demonstrate the truth of the Christian proclamation and worldview—to “cast down reasonings and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God” (Corinthians 10:5).

Therefore, apologetics involves intellectual reasoning and argumentation. The loathing of such things in many quarters of the modern Christian community is unhealthy. Reasoning is not an unspiritual activity, and argument does not mean personal contentiousness.

Continue reading this concise apologetic for apologetics in Another Cup of Coffee, the final entry in our series of articles from the late Dr. Greg Bahnsen.

News to Note Quick Look

The seal that wasn’t: “Evolution at [w]ork,” declares National Geographic News. “[T]he evolutionary evidence we have been lacking for so long,” reports BBC News. So just what is this new fossil? Read more.

Lord of the Tools: “How could a hominid with a brain the size of a grapefruit craft tools?” asks ScienceNOW’s Elizabeth Culotta. Read more.

Also: the earth that wasn’t, meet mini–T. rex, Earth Day and creation, and don’t miss . . . . Read more.

Prayer Requests

View the current prayer requests to keep track of and pray for current ministry needs. Thank you!

Answers ... with Ken Ham radio program

An asteroid—did it wipe out the dinosaurs?
Genesis—has it been replaced?
Earth Day—a hidden agenda?
Education—what’s its real priority?
Mars—why’s there so much interest?

After Eden

This information was provided by Answers In Genesis, an excellent source of material relating to Creation and evolution. Please visit their website using the link in the upper left.

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