Saturday, May 24, 2008


Q: Can God fulfill His promises?

A: Some could call it an “evolution” of a vision. This month, we celebrate its one-year anniversary. The vision started over 30 years ago, when—as a public school science teacher in Australia—I [Ken Ham] took my students to a local natural history museum.

Throughout, there were signs about millions of years and references to evolution—all presented as fact. As I watched my own students and hundreds of other young people there, I realized this same situation was playing out daily in cities around the world. That’s where a “fire in my bones” started. I thought that a creation museum could reach generations of young people with the truth of God’s infallible Word and refute evolutionary teaching.

Not long after, what was to become the leading creation ministry in Australia started in our home. One of the founding board members, John Thallon, and I talked about my burden to build a major creation-based museum. At one point, both of us knelt down on some land in Australia and prayed that the Lord would one day provide a place to build such a museum.

Despite our burden, nothing seemed to happen in answer to this prayer at first. However, the Australian ministry grew, and soon I was invited to do speaking tours in America. In 1987, our family moved to the U.S. to become “missionaries to America” where I worked with the Institute for Creation Research (founded by Dr. Henry Morris). The goal was to call the church in the U.S. back to the authority of the Word of God.

Knowing my burden to build a major creation museum, Mark Looy and Mike Zovath told me that they shared the same museum burden. The three of us, through a series of circumstances that could have only been orchestrated by the God of miracles, moved our families to northern Kentucky (near Cincinnati, Ohio) to begin this new adventure. That was 14 years ago.

To read more, see When Dreams Come True, an interview with the visionaries behind the past, present, and future of the ministry. Also, be sure to join in the museum’s anniversary celebration, as AiG praises the Lord for an amazing first year that saw more than 400,000 visitors presented with the gospel.

News to Note Quick Look

Unbanished: Despite laws, judicial action, and vilification in many circles, intelligent design and creation continue to be promoted in some high school classrooms (much to the chagrin of evolutionists!), report Penn State researchers in PLoS Biology. Read more.

Backwards: We all know about evolution’s supposed constructive results over the course of millions and millions of years. But what about a new study that documents “reverse evolution” in the last half century? Read more.

Also: a reason to celebrate, the energy to walk, the “frogamander” and an egg-laying oddity, diving deep, and trying to sink the Ark. Read more.

This information was provided by Answers In Genesis, an excellent source of material relating to Creation and evolution. Please visit their website using the link in the upper left.

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