Saturday, February 23, 2008

QUESTION OF THE WEEK! - Evolution and school violence—a sad connection?

People have been shocked in recent times at the outbreak of violence in public schools in America and around the world. Some schools have installed metal detectors to try to curb such violent behavior.

What does evolution have to do with this sad—and shocking—situation?

What we see happening is the end result of an education system that has effectively eliminated God from the classroom. When you think about it, generations of young people are being brainwashed each day in evolutionary ideas. They are being told that they are nothing special—they are just animals that have evolved from some primitive form of life over millions of years.
The more society as a whole thinks this way, the more people will act consistently with what they’ve been taught. If life is not special, then it has no value. If there’s no God, and thus no absolute authority, then anyone can decide right and wrong for themselves.

Most of the students probably don’t realize the connection of violence with evolution (though some have)—but underneath it all, this anti-God belief system has subtly caused them to think life is hopeless and without any purpose.

For more information, see The “Why?” question—why is school violence in the headlines again?

News to Note Quick Look

Get Expelled!: In what could be the biggest push the Intelligent Design Movement has seen in years, American actor, comedian, lawyer, writer, economist, game show host, and speechwriter Ben Stein is releasing the documentary Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed this spring. Make plans to see it! Read more.

“Evolution” now in Florida schools: The Florida Board of Education has passed new standards for science education that, for the first time in the state’s history, support the teaching of “evolution” (as opposed to more vague descriptions of Darwin’s theory). Read more.

Also: Planet-hunting on the increase, salt and water on Mars, and the “frog from hell.” Read more.

This information was provided by Answers In Genesis, an excellent source of material relating to Creation and evolution. Please visit their website using the link in the upper left. For a dose of Starke Reality stop by for a visit!

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