Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Monday, November 27, 2017
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Question of the Week: It’s flu season. 😷 Where did it come from?
Subject: It's flu season. 😷 Here's everything you need to know!
Friday, November 24, 2017
John R. Rice Quotes of the Week
A Christian soldier in the front-line trenches is a safe as he would be at home, if he is in the will of God and trusting. He might die at home, he might die in the battle but he will not die in either place except it be God's will, and he can rest assured in that and have sweet peace. - John R. Rice
A war-torn world sighs with its burdens and sins. Come, Lord Jesus, come! The Saviour must take away His own for a honeymoon in Heaven. Then upon the earth there shall be great tribulation. The greatest armies and the greatest battles and the greatest persecution, the greatest suffering will take place with half the population of the earth killed. And then Christ shall return to fight the last battle and reign on the earth and we shall have at last, at long, long last, peace on earth! - John R. Rice
Christ is the Son of God. This is so often and clearly stated in the Bible that one must be an infidel not to believe it. There is no room in Christianity for anybody who does not accept fully the fact that Christ is God. One who does not believe that is not a Christian but a pagan. Jesus Himself said, I and my Father are one" (John 10:30). - John R. Rice
Christ is God! The deity of Christ is a fact as obvious as that there is a God. The man who says Christ is not God is exactly the same kind of fool as the fool that says in his heart there is no God (Ps. 14:1; Luke 24:25). - John R. Rice
Christ is the miraculously conceived, virgin-born, pre-existent Son of God. Let every lover of the Lord Jesus hold fast to this foundation doctrine and call no man a Christian brother who denies that Christ is what He claimed to be, the very Son of God. - John R. Rice
Christians, we will never know the love and mercy of Christ toward sinners until we understand that Christ became flesh and dwelt among us as a man. - John R. Rice
There are two awful, tremendous facts made clear by the crucifixion of Christ. One is the stupendous, insatiable sinfulness of man and the other is the infinite, measureless mercy of God. All things are judged by the cross, both man and God. - John R. Rice
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Monday, November 20, 2017
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Question of the Week: 🐦 Do bird feeders drive rapid evolution? 🐤
Subject: 🐦 Do bird feeders drive rapid evolution? 🐤