Friday, September 29, 2017

John R. Rice Quotes of the Week

How changeable, how unstable are our feelings! What a broken reed to lean upon! But God's Word says plainly again and again that one who trusts in the dear Saviour now has, at once, everlasting life, shall not perish (John 3:16), and shall not come into condemnation (John 5:24). Praise God, one who commits his soul's salvation to Jesus and relies on His plain Word may be sure that he now has everlasting life! - John R. Rice

What kind of life is it we get when we trust Christ? It is "everlasting life," our text [John 5:24] says! Then it must last forever. Jesus Christ is no deceiver to promise everlasting life, then keep us only a few hours or days or years! His word is an infallible guarantee. If you got life, you got everlasting life! Praise God for that! - John R. Rice

Jesus had fed five thousand men besides women and children with five little barley biscuits and two small fishes. The people were amazed at that. But Jesus reminded them that He was the true bread from Heaven [Jn. 6:35]. Just as hungry people could take the bread and fish, so any sinner tired of his sin and wanting the bread of life could take Jesus and have everlasting life at once. - John R. Rice

Of course one who comes to Jesus turns his back on some other things. If you are in Chicago, you cannot go to New York without turning your back on Chicago. And if you come to Jesus, of course you turn away from sin. Repentance and faith go together, and both are a part of this little word "come." One who comes to Jesus comes to get forgiveness, comes to get help about his sins, comes for a new heart and a new life. And always he can get it, for Jesus never casts him out, He promised plainly. - John R. Rice

Do you fear you couldn't come right? Well, if you come at all, that is all Jesus asked. He didn't say, "If you come with a sober face. . . ." He didn't say, "If you come with tears. . . ." He didn't say, "If you make big promises. . . ." He didn't say, "If you come saying, 'Hallelujah!' and with joy running over. . . ." Jesus simply said, "Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." Never mind the fireworks; never mind the emotions. If in your poor, tired, sinning heart you want to come to Jesus, then I beg you just simply come today, right now, this moment! - John R. Rice

It was said about some people, "He came unto his own, and his own received him not" (John 1:11). It was the sad complaint of Jesus to some poor sinners, ". . . .ye will not come to me that ye might have life" (John 5:20). But one who WILL come, can come. Yea, if he chooses to come, decides to come, then he DOES come. - John R. Rice

I knew of a firm that advertised sewing machines on television for $29.95. But when people called and the salesman came to see them the company was always out of that cheaper model and wanted to sell an expensive model that cost two and a half times as much!
Well, crooked men may do that way about their promises, but not the Lord Jesus! If Jesus said come, then He will receive you. He has promised and you may rely upon it. - John R. Rice

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