Revelation 18:17 For in one hour so great riches is come to naught. For further study - Revelation 18:1-24 &16:17-21 We come to this 18th chapter of Revelation for our devotional reading for today and find out that we are basically "living" in this portion of scripture. As we share some thoughts on this passage you will see what I mean, and agree that we are closer than ever before to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. In this chapter we can find the word "Babylon" used three times, the word "city" used six times and the word "great" used eight times. The focus of our reading is the "great city of Babylon". Babylon is a city that has a 4,500 year old history that dates back to soon after the "flood" of Genesis 6-8 and the times of "Nimrod", Genesis 10-11, the great grandson of Noah. Nimrod built Babylon in defiance to God who told all of Noah's family to be fruitful and "re-people" the earth. Instead, Nimrod went into the valley between the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers and on the shores of the Euphrates built a "great city" the city of Babylon that still stands where it was first built. Babylon has a long history that includes being the headquarters for the Babylonian Empire where Daniel and Ezekiel were taken as captives, along with the Jewish people, 2,500 years ago. It was also the headquarters for Alexander the Great and the Grecian Empire. Alexander, at 32 years of age had conquered the known world, and after his death at this young age had his empire divided into four parts. Both of these accounts, which include the city of Babylon, are the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. In fact, the events in history associated with Babylon are "prototypes" of that which will happen in the future, seemingly the very near future. The actual city of Babylon, which has never been destroyed as called for in Isaiah 13-14 and Jeremiah 50-51, Babylon will be destroyed, as foretold in our devotional reading today. This destruction will come to this the headquarters for another "world leader", the "Antichrist". In the last three and one half years of the Tribulation Period Babylon will come back to power and be the "economic, political, governmental center" of the earth. Antichrist will rule the world from this location on the Euphrates River. Our key verse, verse 17, along with verses 10 and 19, indicates that the "great city of Babylon" will be destroyed in "one hour". In Revelation 16:17-21 we see how this unfolds. There will be a "major earthquake", the largest to ever hit the earth, verse 18. Also, large "hail" the size of a "talent", around 75 pounds, will fall on the "city", verse 21, and devastate this "stronghold of Satan". Finally, the many prophecies of the destruction of Babylon will be fulfilled, after 4,500 years. In fact, this destruction of Babylon is the last event to happen before Jesus Christ steps back on earth, Zechariah 14:4, in Jerusalem, on the Mount of Olives. I believe these events are near, in light of the events that are unfolding today. Babylon, Biblical Babylon, is what we know today as Iraq. The war, and now the rebuilding of war-torn Iraq are the "setting of the stage" for these prophecies to be fulfilled. As I said, we are living in the days that will lead up to God's Word being completed, as it was written. Once again I remind you that before all of this comes to pass there will be a shout from the heavens to call us up to join Jesus Christ there, forever. The Rapture, which can happen at any minute, could happen very soon now as we watch "Babylon" play its role in the end time events as recorded in Bible Prophecy. PRAYER THOT: Dear Lord, what a day we are living in as we see prophecy coming to pass before our eyes. As we watch current events, in light of Bible prophecy, help us to live these days prepared, pure and productive as we await your shout to join you in the heavens.